Psalm 40 and God’s Perpetual Deliverance
Psalm 40 is one of the most popular Psalms in the Bible, mostly because the opening verses are so moving and memorable. But what about the rest of it?
Anchored in Christ Blog Review of Volume 4: Psalms 31-38
Kevin Halloran, who writes the blog Anchored in Christ, recently published a solid review of Volume 4: Psalms 31-38. We are humbled and blessed by Kevin’s words and how the music has blessed Him.
You can find the review here.
To God be the glory!
Prayer Must Be Specific: The Healing of Bartimaeus in Mark 10
One reason that many Christians do not experience great excitement, joy, or success in their prayer life is because their prayers are not definite. We do not specify our supplications to God, and therefore there is little clarity, faith, or power in prayer. No passage of Scripture reveals this truth more clearly than the healing of Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52:
Have a Special, Secret Place to Meet With God
Almost everyone has a “special” place, a place that they love to go to relax, to engage in a favorite activity, or just to be at peace. In fact, most people, like me, probably have several. A scenic view from a back deck. A cozy basement. But do you have a special place to meet with God and pray? A place where you can “shut the door,” knowing that no one can bother you? In His teaching on prayer in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus stresses the importance of having such a place. I’ve come up with four reasons why He stresses a secret place, some based on textual exegesis and some based on just plain common sense: intentionality, privacy, intimacy, and integrity.
Awake, O Sleeper: Thoughts and Advice on Getting Up Early
So I transformed myself into a morning person. It really wasn’t very hard. There were several keys, I quickly found, to waking up earlier.
When You Fast, Part 6: Fasting and the Ultimate Purpose of Your Life
Isaiah 58 is perhaps the most famous passage on fasting in all of Scripture. Often called “the fasting chapter,” it is a devastating indictment upon the religiosity of man and all its vain, self-righteous rituals. In Isaiah 58, God clearly articulates the ultimate purpose of fasting, and in the process, the ultimate goal of redeemed humanity as well. Not surprisingly, the two purposes are one and the same.
When You Fast, Part 5: Fasting and Prayer
While Peter, James and John were off with Jesus, beholding His awesome transfiguration, the rest of the disciples were struggling. A desperate man had come to them with his son, who was experiencing epileptic-type symptoms and great suffering.
When You Fast, Part 4: Spiritual Benefits of Fasting
I was four days into my fast. On the night before I was to share the gospel and my testimony before a large crowd, I lay in bed, soaking in the manifest presence of God.
When You Fast, Part 3: Did Jesus Say Fasting Was Optional?
The fasters from Scripture read like a “Who’s-Who” of the Bible. Moses (40 days) came down from Mount Sinai with his face glowing. Elijah (40 days) called down fire from heaven. Daniel (21 days) shut the mouths of the lions’ when he was thrown in the lions’ den. And on and on and on.
When You Fast Part 2: 10 Tips for Successful Fasting (How to Not Wimp Out)
In Part I of this series, we looked at the miraculous health benefits of fasting in an effort to remove the “I don’t fast because it’s unhealthy” roadblock. Today, in Part II, we’re going to focus on practical tips to help you fast successfully.
When You Fast, Part 1: Fasting Is Physically Healthy
There are such things as “secrets of life.” Treasures of knowledge and wisdom that are simple to understand, simple to apply, and absolutely life-changing, to the point where even the word “life-changing” seems cheap and meaningless. I’ve discovered several such secrets in my lifetime, and aside from salvation in Jesus Christ, the most life-altering, life-saving, life-giving, life-transforming secret I have discovered has been that of fasting.
Shane Heilman Interviewed on Testimonies of Truth Podcast
Shane Heilman, songwriter/producer/vocalist/guitarist for The Psalms Project, recently sat down with the Testimonies of Truth podcast to discuss the Psalms (of course), the state of The Psalms Project, and how the Psalms can encourage Christians and guide us in our worship. A great listen!
Psalm 15: What Real Integrity Looks Like
An additional promise for those who live by this Psalm is an unshakeable stability to their day-to-day lives. The drama, chaos, duplicity, and confusion that flood so many modern lives can be abated by internalizing the precious words from this largely ignored Psalm.
What About the “Mean” Psalms?
It’s important to remember that Jesus quoted extensively from the Psalms, declaring they were written by David in the Holy Spirit (Matthew 22:43) and declaring that they were about Jesus Himself (Luke 24:44). Let’s also not forget that Psalm 109 (and Psalm 35, and many other imprecatory Psalms) are quoted in the New Testament.